There is no easier way to make your own laundry liquid detergent. Than what you will find on this page, like all other tutorial on making homemade products it is always very easy to read, understand and follow. This is by far the best and easiest way to make your honemade liquid laundry detergent and make money if you choose to become a supplier as a small scale producer you can follow the methods on this post I will show you how easy it is to make your own liquid laundry detergent so you stop buying and start producing your own homemade liquid
laundry detergent.
If what you want to know is how to make homemade laundry detergent, liquid dishwasher detergent, or even how to make homemade laundry detergent without borax, then you are on the right page and you are going yo start making your own right from this very moment.
If what you want to know is how to make homemade laundry detergent, liquid dishwasher detergent, or even how to make homemade laundry detergent without borax, then you are on the right page and you are going yo start making your own right from this very moment.
Now what is a liquid detergent? This is a kind of soap used for cleaning utensils. Detergent soap is effective for cleaning utensils made of metals or ceramics such as spoon, fork and pans. Detergent can be in powdery form (powder detergent) or liquid form (liquid detergent).
The next thing to do now is to know the equipment needed in making your homemade liquid laundry detergent. You will be so surprise when I let you know that the apparatus are very easy to find and that you do not need to own large machines or a very big factory.
Apparatus/Equipment needed in making homemade liquid laundry detergent:
Teaspoon, beaker, graduated cylinder, stainless steel container, electric mixer, stirrer mixing bowl or small pail and flask.
Let us now look at the chemicals and the formulation (measurement). So you see that you don’t need to have sophisticated equipment and all these apparatus can be gotten easily.
Just like every other production process, you must first know the chemicals needed for any production(these chemicals are also easy to get)
Chemicals needed to make hone made laundry detergent:
Table salt or sodium chloride,
Lemon fragrance and
Formulation for homemade liquid laundry detergent:
Measurement (Grams)
160 - 260
Table salt or sodium chloride
10 - 20
Lemon fragrance
To tatse
1544 - 1660
NOTE: All the above chemicals are subjected to multiplication or division, provided that it is done with a constant factor (100 grams of CDEA ÷ 2 = 50 grams and 60 grams of STPP ÷ 2 = 30 grams) I believe you get that. Like a said before this is the most important aspect of manufacturing/production once you get this wrong you will not produce a good quality liquid laundry detergent or any other product you want to produce. So always make sure to take extra time in the study and application of the right formulation in your production process no matter how small what you want to produce may be.
So now that you know the formulation needed in the production of liquid laundry detergent, let us now go into main production. But before we proceed, I would like you to go over the formulation again and get it into your head.
VERY IMPORTANT: Most of these chemicals are gotten easily from a very good chemical shop or company. But ensure to buy the original as a fake chemical will not only give you a very poor quality product but may be harmful to your health during the production process.
Like I said earlier, this is the easiest method so just relax and let me take you through these simple and easy to understand step by step on how to make your own liquid detergent.
Step 1. Using a graduated cylinder, measure 160 – 260 grams of SLES. Measure the 1544 – 1660 grams of water.
Step 2. Transfer the SLES to a beaker and a little water. Stir the SLES very well.
Step 3. Now add the 100 grams of CDEA to the SLES solution, mix well with the stirrer.
Step 4. Continue stirring the mixture until it becomes creamy. Add water once in a while that is do not add water often, do this so as to prevent the mixture from foaming while stirring.
Step 5. Dissolve the 60 grams STPP in a little amount of water in a separate bowl and mix it very well, then keep it aside for later use.
Step 6. If the CDEA – SLES mixture is already creamy, transfer it to a small pail or stainless steel container. Add a little amount of water while you stir continuously.
Step 7. You are almost done just a few steps and you are a liquid detergent manufacturer. Now transfer the mixture to the mixer and switch it on. When the mixture is already foamy, add the dissolved STPP slowly while mixing continuously.
Step 8. Dissolve the salt in a little amount of water and add the dissolved salt to the mixture which you are mixing in the mixer.
Step 9. Now add the lemon fragrance in drops do this little by little so you don’t end up putting more than expected. If you do this right, you will produce a very good liquid detergent.
Step 10. Continue mixing until the mixture become thick. Once the mixture is now thickened, pour it into a clean container and set aside for about 2 hours.
Step 11. When there are no suds, pour the liquid liquid detergent into clean bottles.
You have just succeeded in producing your own liquid detergent you can start making use of it after 24 hours.
You can choose to become a producer and make loads of money of you can choose to produce for you and your family the choice is yours.
Now go and make your own and see how much you could make if you become a producer or how much you can save if you choose to stop buying and start making your own liquid detergent.
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Mesmerized article written on this blog with other relevant information. It is straight to the point that how we can improve our skills as well as how we can be represented to a new stream of professionalism.
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