Saturday, 31 August 2013

5 easy steps to make your homemade hair conditioner

Hair conditioner is what nourishes, softens prevent hair breakage. It is a hair treatment usually applied after washing off the relaxer with a shampoo, after applying on the hair; it should be allowed to remain on the hair for a few minutes before washing in order to achieve its maximum effect. 
Now that we know what a hair conditioner is and we will like to stop buying and start making at least for our own use. You can also become a manufacturer of this hair conditioner and make lots of money from it.
If you really want to know how to make your own hair conditioner, then you must absorb the content of this post like a sponge.
The first thing I want you to know in the manufacturing of any product; form  hair cream, body cream, balm, air freshener, baking of cake, meat pie, lots of great money making products, you can check them here you must know the right formulation. If you do not know the right formulation you are likely to have a low quality product that is if you were able to finish the production of that particular product.
Let us now look at the right formulation in the production of hair conditioner.                                                                    

                                 FORMULATION TABLE

Minerals oil
5 kg
50 kg
Croda wax
1 kg
Cetyl alcohol
1 kg
Methyl paraben
0.16 kg
Nitrosol / Pac-R
0.2 kg
To taste
Glycerine or propylene
2.00 kg
To taste
To taste

NOTE: All the above chemicals are subjected to multiplication or division, provided that it is done with a constant factor (50 kg of lanolin ÷ 2 = 25 kg and 1 kg of croda wax ÷ 2 = 0.5kg) I believe you get that. Like a said before this is the most important aspect of manufacturing/production once you get this wrong you will not produce a good quality  hair conditioner or any other product you want to produce. So always make sure to take extra time in the study and application of the right formulation in your production process no matter how small what you want to produce may be.
So now that you know the formulation needed in the production of hair conditioner, let us now go into main production. But before we proceed, I would like you to go over the formulation again and get it into your head.
VERY IMPORTANT:  Most of these chemicals are gotten easily form a very good chemical shop or company. But ensure to buy the original as a fake chemical will not only give you a very poor quality product but may be harmful in the production process.

You are set to begin the production of your own hair conditioner you must know that in learning one thing is most important and that is patience. You must not be in a hurry to add the next chemical, always add them at the right time.
With this 5 easy to understand and implement steps you will learn how to make your own hair conditioner. But be patience because unlike other product this may take some time.
1.       Dissolve the Pac-R or Nitrosol (thickner) into water and leave over night
2.       Melt all the measured oil chemicals (mineral oil (5 kg), croda wax(1 kg), lanolin (50 kg), cetyl alcohol (1 kg), methyl paraben (0.16 kg) and the soluble colorant (to taste)) do this with a mild heat 
3.       Now mix the sample 1 and 2 together and add glycerin or propylene (2 kg) and fragrance of your choice (to taste)
4.       Be patient you are almost there now stir the mixture continuously until a smooth creamy texture is observed. How do you feel to see this creamy mixture? You have just succeeded in producing a hair conditioner.
I remember telling you that you need 5 steps but we ended up producing it in 4 easy steps. But there is still one last step especially if you intend to become a manufacturer of this new product you just made (HAIR CONDTIONER).
5.       You may not want to sell but this process is important as all the other process you went through before producing your hair conditioner. Now what is this last thing to do, now pour the finished hair conditioner into a container and package for sale that is if you want to sell but even if you do not want to sell you still need to keep it in a good container.

Tips: for those who intent to sell, you should make sure to use attractive containers to attract sales.

PS. Like I said earlier make sure you are using original chemical and always use protective in your manufacturing/production process.
PPS. Please ensure to do all your registration with the right agencies in your prospective country of your manufacturing business and also do all you     production/manufacturing in a clean and well ventilated environment. . (This will increase the chances of the approval of your products)
Do you see you have been wasting your money buying hair conditioner when you can easily make one for yourself? and also make money with it if you choose to become a manufacturer of hair conditioner.
                               WE LOVE COMMENTS
Do you have a problem with any part of this lesson please go over it again and again but if after going through it again and you still find it hard to understand any part of it please fee free to ask you question and if you have any easier way to make hair conditioner we will be glad to hear your comment. Please use the comment box to ask your question or make your comment. Thanks