Monday, 22 June 2015

Easy homemade biscuits recipe for tasty biscuits

I have made sure that this homemade biscuit recipe is complete and i takes you through the easy steps to make homemade biscuits without stress. Even if what you want to learn is how to make homemade biscuits without baking powder, this recipe wiyh take you through all the steps to make tasty biscuit in less than 1 hour. Now follow me on this coconut biscuit recipe so you can make your own. This a no brainer and you will be surprise how easy it is for you to make a very good biscuit. In this recipe i will be making a coco nut biscuit but you can follow the steps to make different varieties of homemade buiscuits. Ingredients 1. Flours - 2 cups  2. Grated coconut - 2 pinch (for other types of buiscuits you can use flavour in place of rhe grated coconut) 3. Egg - 2 4. Margarine (butter) - 100g 5. Baking powder - 2 table spoon 6. Sugar - to taste 7. Water - little Methods: 1. Cream sugar and margarine (butter) until light and fluffy. 2. Add flour, baking powder and the grated coconut 3. Mix to a slight stiff dough, dilute with water if it becomes too stiff 4. Roll it out on a well floured pastry board (table) 5. Cut into and biscuit shapes of your choice and arrange on a greased cookie tray 6. Poke the pastry with fork to avoid excess rising when baking. 7. Bake in an oven for at least 4m minutes till it turns golden brown. There you have it. Now have a feel and taste your coconut biscuit and tell me how it feels like to be able to make your own coconut biscuit.

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